Knowledge Base - How to remove Jomres Updated Now

Jomres updated

There is a new version of Jomres available. You must update before you can continue to use Jomres as updates improve functionality and ensure that your installation remains secure.

Update Jomres now


Here's how to remove or disable this:

Open: admin.php

Located here: jomres/admin.php


Go to Line 161

Remove lines from 161 to 179

These are the lines you are removing:

if (
get_showtime('task') != 'save_site_settings' &&
get_showtime('task') != 'site_settings' &&
get_showtime('task') != 'showplugins' &&
get_showtime('task') != 'addplugin' &&
get_showtime('task') != 'removeplugin' &&
get_showtime('task') != 'updates'
) {
//jomres version update check
$output['VERSION_UPDATE_AVAILABLE'] = $MiniComponents->specificEvent('16000', 'jomres_update_check', array('output_now' => true));
if ( $output['VERSION_UPDATE_AVAILABLE'] != false ) {
//jomres plugin update check
$output['PLUGIN_UPDATES_AVAILABLE'] = $MiniComponents->specificEvent('16000', 'jomres_plugin_update_check', array('output_now' => true));
if ( $output['PLUGIN_UPDATES_AVAILABLE'] != false ) {

OR You can replace this with Jomres v9.25.1 admin.php

You can download it here:

That's All!


Created : 2022-01-06 00:24:43, Last Modified : 2022-01-06 00:34:29