I have Mambo 4.6.1 Stable and upgraded from PHP 5.3 to PHP 5.6 and got this error:

Warning: Parameter 2 to frontpage() expected to be a reference, value given in C:\xampp\htdocs\mambo\includes\Cache\Lite\Function.php on line 100

Here is how I fixed it!

Open: /includes/Cache/Lite/Function.php

(this solves the "Reference instead of value"-problem)

Copy and Paste the code below and replacing the code in your Function.php file: 


* This class extends Cache_Lite and can be used to cache the result and output of functions/methods
* This class is completly inspired from Sebastian Bergmann's
* PEAR/Cache_Function class. This is only an adaptation to
* Cache_Lite
* There are some examples in the 'docs/examples' file
* Technical choices are described in the 'docs/technical' file
* @package Cache_Lite
* @version $Id: Function.php 49 2005-09-15 02:55:27Z rhuk $
* @author Sebastian BERGMANN <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
* @author Fabien MARTY <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>

// no direct access
defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );

require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/includes/Cache/Lite.php' );

class Cache_Lite_Function extends Cache_Lite

	// --- Private properties ---

	* Default cache group for function caching
	* @var string $_defaultGroup
	var $_defaultGroup = 'Cache_Lite_Function';

	// --- Public methods ----

	* Constructor
	* $options is an assoc. To have a look at availables options,
	* see the constructor of the Cache_Lite class in 'Cache_Lite.php'
	* Comparing to Cache_Lite constructor, there is another option :
	* $options = array(
	*	 (...) see Cache_Lite constructor
	*	 'defaultGroup' => default cache group for function caching (string)
	* );
	* @param array $options options
	* @access public
	function Cache_Lite_Function($options = array(NULL))
		if (isset($options['defaultGroup'])) {
			$this->_defaultGroup = $options['defaultGroup'];

	* Calls a cacheable function or method (or not if there is already a cache for it)
	* Arguments of this method are read with func_get_args. So it doesn't appear
	* in the function definition. Synopsis :
	* call('functionName', $arg1, $arg2, ...)
	* (arg1, arg2... are arguments of 'functionName')
	* @return mixed result of the function/method
	* @access public
	function call()
		$arguments = func_get_args();
		$id = serialize($arguments); // Generate a cache id
		if (!$this->_fileNameProtection) {
			$id = md5($id);
			// if fileNameProtection is set to false, then the id has to be hashed
			// because it's a very bad file name in most cases
		$data = $this->get($id, $this->_defaultGroup);
		if ($data !== false) {
			$array = unserialize($data);
			$output = $array['output'];
			$result = $array['result'];
		} else {
			$target = array_shift($arguments);
			if (strstr($target, '::')) { // classname::staticMethod
				list($class, $method) = explode('::', $target);
				echo "calling: $target<br />";
				echo "<h1>Arguments before</h1><xmp>";
				for ($i = 0, $j = count($arguments); $i < $j; $i++ ) {
					if (is_object($arguments[$i])) {
						global $newobjCount;
						if (!$newobjCount) $newobjCount = 0;
						$newobj[++$newobjCount] = clone $arguments[$i];
						$arguments[$i] = &$newobj[$newobjCount];
				echo "</xmp><h1>Arguments after</h1><xmp>";
				echo "</xmp>";
				// added
				$arguments = $this->fixCalls($arguments);
				$result = call_user_func_array(array($class, $method), $arguments);
			} else if (strstr($target, '->')) { // object->method
				// use a stupid name ($objet_123456789 because) of problems when the object
				// name is the same as this var name
				list($object_123456789, $method) = explode('->', $target);
				global $$object_123456789;
				$result = call_user_func_array(array($$object_123456789, $method), $arguments);
			} else { // function
				// added
				$arguments = $this->fixCalls($arguments);
				$result = call_user_func_array($target, $arguments);
			$output = ob_get_contents();
			$array['output'] = $output;
			$array['result'] = $result;
			$this->save(serialize($array), $id, $this->_defaultGroup);
		return $result;
	static $newobjCount,$newobj;
    function fixCalls($arguments) {
	    for ($i = 0, $j = count($arguments); $i < $j; $i++) {
	        if (is_object($arguments[$i])) {
	            if (!self::$newobjCount) self::$newobjCount = 0;
	            self::$newobj[++self::$newobjCount] = clone $arguments[$i];
	            $arguments[$i] = &self::$newobj[self::$newobjCount];
		return $arguments;    




Open: /includes/vcard.class.php
(to make the contact form work again)


Copy and Paste the code below and replacing the code in your vcard.class.php file:

* @version $Id: vcard.class.php 734 2005-10-31 02:53:15Z stingrey $
* Modified PHP vCard class v2.0

PHP vCard class v2.0
(cKai Blankenhorn
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

function encode($string) {
	return escape(quoted_printable_encode($string));

function escape($string) {
	return str_replace(';',"\;",$string);

// taken from PHP documentation comments
function quoted_printable_encode($input, $line_max = 76) {
	$hex 		= array('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F');
	$lines 		= preg_split("/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/", $input);
	$eol 		= "\r\n";
	$linebreak 	= '=0D=0A';
	$escape 	= '=';
	$output 	= '';

	for ($j=0;$j<count($lines);$j++) {
		$line 		= $lines[$j];
		$linlen 	= strlen($line);
		$newline 	= '';
		for($i = 0; $i < $linlen; $i++) {
			$c 		= substr($line, $i, 1);
			$dec 	= ord($c);
			if ( ($dec == 32) && ($i == ($linlen - 1)) ) { // convert space at eol only
				$c = '=20';
			} elseif ( ($dec == 61) || ($dec < 32 ) || ($dec > 126) ) { // always encode "\t", which is *not* required
				$h2 = floor($dec/16); 
				$h1 = floor($dec%16);
				$c 	= $escape.$hex["$h2"] . $hex["$h1"];
			if ( (strlen($newline) + strlen($c)) >= $line_max ) { // CRLF is not counted
				$output .= $newline.$escape.$eol; // soft line break; " =\r\n" is okay
				$newline = "    ";
			$newline .= $c;
		} // end of for
		$output .= $newline;
		if ($j<count($lines)-1) {
			$output .= $linebreak;
	return trim($output);

class vCard {
	var $properties;
	var $filename;

	function setPhoneNumber($number, $type='') {
	// type may be PREF | WORK | HOME | VOICE | FAX | MSG | CELL | PAGER | BBS | CAR | MODEM | ISDN | VIDEO or any senseful combination, e.g. "PREF;WORK;VOICE"
		$key = 'TEL';
		if ($type!='') {
			$key .= ';'. $type;
		$this->properties[$key] = quoted_printable_encode($number);

	// UNTESTED !!!
	function setPhoto($type, $photo) { // $type = "GIF" | "JPEG"
		$this->properties["PHOTO;TYPE=$type;ENCODING=BASE64"] = base64_encode($photo);

	function setFormattedName($name) {
		$this->properties['FN'] = quoted_printable_encode($name);

	function setName($family='', $first='', $additional='', $prefix='', $suffix='') {
		$this->properties['N'] = "$family;$first;$additional;$prefix;$suffix";
		$this->filename = "$first%20$family.vcf";
		if ($this->properties['FN']=='') {
			$this->setFormattedName(trim("$prefix $first $additional $family $suffix"));

	function setBirthday($date) { // $date format is YYYY-MM-DD
		$this->properties['BDAY'] = $date;

	function setAddress($postoffice='', $extended='', $street='', $city='', $region='', $zip='', $country='', $type='HOME;POSTAL') {
	// $type may be DOM | INTL | POSTAL | PARCEL | HOME | WORK or any combination of these: e.g. "WORK;PARCEL;POSTAL"
		$key = 'ADR';
		if ($type!='') {
			$key.= ";$type";
		$this->properties[$key] = encode($name).';'.encode($extended).';'.encode($street).';'.encode($city).';'.encode($region).';'.encode($zip).';'.encode($country);

		if ($this->properties["LABEL;$type;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE"] == '') {
			//$this->setLabel($postoffice, $extended, $street, $city, $region, $zip, $country, $type);

	function setLabel($postoffice='', $extended='', $street='', $city='', $region='', $zip='', $country='', $type='HOME;POSTAL') {
		$label = '';
		if ($postoffice!='') {
			$label.= $postoffice;
			$label.= "\r\n";
		if ($extended!='') {
			$label.= $extended;
			$label.= "\r\n";
		if ($street!='') {
			$label.= $street;
			$label.= "\r\n";
		if ($zip!='') {
			$label.= $zip .' ';
		if ($city!='') {
			$label.= $city;
			$label.= "\r\n";
		if ($region!='') {
			$label.= $region;
			$label.= "\r\n";
		if ($country!='') {
			$country.= $country;
			$label.= "\r\n";

		$this->properties["LABEL;$type;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE"] = quoted_printable_encode($label);

	function setEmail($address) {
		$this->properties['EMAIL;INTERNET'] = $address;

	function setNote($note) {
		$this->properties['NOTE;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE'] = quoted_printable_encode($note);

	function setURL($url, $type='') {
	// $type may be WORK | HOME
		$key = 'URL';
		if ($type!='') {
			$key.= ";$type";
		$this->properties[$key] = $url;

	function getVCard() {
		$text = 'BEGIN:VCARD';
		$text.= "\r\n";
		$text.= 'VERSION:2.1';
		$text.= "\r\n";

		foreach($this->properties as $key => $value) {
			$text.= "$key:$value\r\n";
		$text.= 'REV:'. date('Y-m-d') .'T'. date('H:i:s') .'Z';
		$text.= "\r\n";
		$text.= 'MAILER:PHP vCard class by Kai Blankenhorn';
		$text.= "\r\n";
		$text.= 'END:VCARD';
		$text.= "\r\n";

		return $text;

	function getFileName() {
		return $this->filename;


Or you can download the updated files here:
